
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Diekirch -- Pre-WW2 3F 'Deivelselter' Pictorial Used on a Child's Identity Card

Prior to World War 2, Diekirch issued a beautiful set of pictorials.  From the Zwitserloot collection, here is the 3F Pictorial showing the ancient Deivelselter monument used on an identity card dated 5 September 1939 for a sixteen-year-old girl from Diekirch.  This is the first I've seen of an identity card for a child.  Her family may have had the card issued out of concern that the German occupation was imminent.  

All pre-1940 uses of communal revenue stamps are scarce.  This is a nice discovery!

Courtesy of Martien Zwitserloot

The ancient Deivelselter monument
 overlooking Diekirch

Den Däiwelselter bei Dikrech ass e megalitheschen Ensembel deen 1815an e Koup gefall war an 1892 restauréiert gouf.

De 7 Meter héije Steebou ass keen Altor, wéi den Numm et suggeréiert, mä et soll sech ëm e Graf aus dem 2. Joerdausend virun eiser Zäitrechnung handelen. Den "Däiwelselter" ass deemno dat eelst Monument zu Dikrech.

Op der rietser Säit vun der Strooss vun Dikrech op Miedernach, kuerz nom Waasserreservoir, weist e Schëld op den Ufank vum Trëppelwee fir bis dobäi.

Nom Däiwelselter ass d'Informatiounsblat vun der Gemeng Dikrech genannt ginn: "Den Däiwelselter".
[From Wikipedia in Luxembourgish!]

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Luxembourg-Ville -- Newly Reported Design

Previously Unreported Design


Taxe Communale 
Martien Zwitserloot reports the discovery of this attractive 100F communal revenue from Luxembourg-Ville.  
I wonder why we haven't seen it before, as it is from the pre-Euro era.  When was it used?  Are there other denominations?




Monday, December 5, 2016

Pétange - The new and the old

Pétange has a history of using well designed communal revenue stamps.  Here are two newly acquired items showing the Pétange commune's commitment to artistic excellent!

Old Pétange Pictorial

Two Types Used in Combination



50F 'Taxe Communale'

20 May 1981


New Self-Adhesive 'B' Rate

Coat of Arms


 Used 4 Nov 2009

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Rumelange - Two types of the Miner Allegory Issue recorded




Miner Allegory - Two Types

'25 F' Printed (in green)
as part of the design

'25 F' Added in black,
and in a different font 

What other denominations were issued in these two styles?  I also have the 5F with the denomination printed as part of the stamp design.  Does the 5F also exist with the denomination added later in a second printing step?

Differdingen - WW2 Communale Revenue Use


World War 2 Occupation

French Text Stricken

Pre-WW2 2F Hotel de Ville
'Taxe Communale' & 

  'Meldeamt Differdingen'

 Identity Card
29 Oct 1940

French language meticulously striken
during the first year of the WW2 occupation!